Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Changing my goals. ( MY BROTHER NEW BABY)

My goals and dreams have changed in the past 5 months, Iv always wanted to be a dental hygienist and was looking forward to learning and experience the schooling in that but have hanged my plans because of my blessing that is coming in the next 4 months and the growing up I have to do within myself to take on such a thing in life, I hope to be a great mother when I grow up, I hope to be successful for not only myself but for my baby boy or baby girl coming soon.


love the way the light shines on her back, showing the depth that her fur carries and also how wavy her hair is when getting wet, this dog never gets tired and is always swimming where their is water, she an amazing creature and holds more courage then most humans.

Friday, March 18, 2016

fav clothing piece

My head band is one of the many things that keeps my forehead warm in the winter and its a necessary for winter, its stylish and a must. It is arm green which you cant see through this photo but black and white made it pop more then the original so thats another must in this photo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Straight Forward

Black and white bllurr

When the end comes and you have not yet got control, its okay to walk on the road unknown and the road less traveled by. The repeat of a mistake is not all ways great but when u figure out the reason maybe it wont be to late.